1/32" ETFE Tubing (0.25mm ID)

Part Number #JR-T-084-M1.5

$9.30 Sale Save

ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene) tubing is particularly suitable for HPLC applications. It has a higher burst pressure than PTFE. 1/16" OD x 0.25 mm ID ETFE tubing will withstand up to 186 bar (2,700 psi) with water as the mobile phase.

However, when used with organic solvents, ETFE tubing may swell, reducing maximum working pressure to 70 bar (1,000 psi).

ETFE is the ideal polymer to replace stainless steel for applications that use chloride salts, which typically corrode stainless steel.

Statement of Compliance:

All polymers used in the manufacture of VICI Jour tubing are EU CIRS-REACH compliant. Additionally all colorants used comply with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)


ETFE and PFA Tubing Tolerances

Tubing OD OD (±) ID (±)
1/16" * 0.05 mm (.002") 0.05 mm (.002")
1/8" 0.10 mm (.004") 0.10 mm (.004")
1/4" 0.10 mm (.004") 0.20 mm (.008")

*Except for 0.20 mm ID EFTE tubing, which has tolerances of ±0.07 for OD and ± 0.08 for wall thickness

Note that VICI Jour 1/16" OD tubing typically has an ID tolerance of ±.001". This is a much tighter tolerance than normal commercial grades of tubing; however, it is enough to result in a noticeable error if exact volumes are not measured.


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